Friday, March 28, 2014

Grocery Store

Today during math stations we had two wonderful cashiers, Valentina and Aiden! We bought corn, pizza, even donuts! HAPPY FRIDAY!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Potato Heads and Paint!

Today we did some more word reading, but with potato heads! For each word read the students were allowed to dip into the big secret red bag with all the potato heads! To end a wonderful day we started painting our boxes for our animal PBL. We are well on our way to having a beautiful habitat for our animals. Ask your child about their animal's habitat and what they are learning, and remembering! Happy Hump Day! 
oh the love!
Artist at work! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tip It!

We played word reading today to prepare a little more for our progress monitoring to come, our focus today shifted from -ar words to adding in -er, ir, ur, or, and sneaky y, and even rule breakers ie! I couldn't be happier with the progress and how much fun we are having while reading. Can't say it enough, love this class! 
This picture is my favorite of today, while we were over at my table I looked up to see my "Lion Team" working TOGETHER! So proud of them for following the Seven Habits. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Word Reading Jenga!

Today we had some fun reading words with jenga! In order to pull a stick out they had to read a word, this week vowel teams were the focus. We had so much fun and read so many words. Happy Friday!

We were also very fortunate and received KINETIC SAND! It is really the coolest thing ever. We practiced spelling words with vowel teams using the sand, the students loved it!
We also read a silly sentence with vowel teams and used paint to "paint the picture!"